Check out our exclusive Kanchipuram Silk Collections at discounted pricing

With years of experience in designing of Sarees, Raji ventured into specialized sourcing of traditional textiles in India. In this exploration she accumulated a deep understanding of wide range of textures, patterns and creations spread across the Indian subcontinent.
Sourcing materials from the roots, today, the goal is to bring back the elegance and charm of rich culture of textile design embedded in the culture. Ofcourse, at a price that cannot be refused!
Given the discounted pricing of our materials, we work with a quick rolling inventory and hence operate mostly via our Whatsapp group of trusted customers. We add members into our group in batches, and if you'd like get yourself added to the list, shoot an enquiry message to +91 9846763196 requesting to be added and we will get you going in our next batch of invitees.
Today, Raji's Fashions offers a wide range of women's clothing, from Kanchipuram silks to everyday use cotton Sarees. Whether it is to grace your presence for a special occasion, or to fashion your way through everyday elegance, we have the right items available for you.
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